After spending time in Japan, one thing that was particularly interesting to me was the fact that Japanese people do NOT walk/eat or walk/drink or walk/smoke.
Because of this, when Japanese people go to a vending machine to buy a drink, they will usually stand there to drink it. Only when they are done, will they then walk away. I think this all due to the manners idea ... generally speaking, people are "messy" when they walk and eat, and thus this is frowned upon over there.
As a result of this, when there are a collection of vending machines, they function as a "mini-bar" enviroment where people tend to gather drink/eat/smoke and most importantly TALK .. and interestingly, at these places they will talk to strangers.
While getting a Pocari Sweat drink at the vending machine cluster near my client's office near Asakusa one day, I was shocked to find that a guy I didn't know just randomly talked to me. And when we talked .. it was actually a conversation with substance (he asked me how was work going ... ), not the usually "filler (nice weather)" nonsense.
After we chatted a for a few minutes, I mentioned to him that I was quite surprised that people were so open here.
The guy (named Yamamoto) explained to me that the shyness for people standing at the vending machines, is similar to that of those at the bar on Friday nights ... That is, the shyness is basically dropped.
Yamamoto then told me that he and his wife had recently move to Tokyo from the Kansai region (Osaka/Kyoto) and really didn't like Tokyo people since they were so cold and distant...
The vending machine folks were pretty much the only ones here they could tolerate.
"本当ですか? [REALLY]” I asked in disbelief.
”そうね! [YES]" replied Yamamoto. "とても変です!人はここに来ると優しくなりました! [It's really strange. People come here (to the vending machines), and suddenly become nice!]"
While we were talking, I was then again surprised when an old lady [named Fuji] smoking a cigarette suddenly just "jumped into our conversation."
"何何何 [what what what]?” asked Mrs. Fuji.
I explained to her that, as a Gaijin, I was shocked to learn that people are so friendly at the vending machines.
”これはタバコを吸うの一番大切の事だね! [That's the most important thing of smoking!]" replied Mrs Fuji.
A few minutes later Yamamoto's wife approached the machine group. She says hello to Yamomoto-san, and then they hold hands.
"そろそろ失礼します! [Well, we'd better be going.]" said Yamamoto-san. "明日は旅行ために大阪に戻る! またね! [Tomorrow we're returning to Osaka for a vacation. See you!]"
With that they left. I preceeded to chat with Mrs Fuji for a few more minutes before returning back to the office.
Over the next few days, I spent quite a bit of the time at the vending machines. In addition to talking to Mrs Fuji almost daily, I also met several people from other offices nearby. One person I met ran an American comic book shop (named Blister Comics) near the Akihabara distict which I ended up visiting.
About a week later, I returned to the vending machine cluster to get my drink and met Mrs Fuji. we say hello and chat at bit about our day. We then notice a another woman there that we had never met chain-smoking. Unlike the other folks there, she didn't look friendly at all. In fact she looked Mrs. Forsythe... my third grade teacher in Alexandria that all the kids were terrified of...
"彼女は何の問題だね? [what's her problem?]” whispered Mrs Fuji to me.
”分からない [No idea]" I replied back.
Well, since this is a chat place, I'll go over there to say hello I thought to myself.
I walked over to the lady and said hello... after about 5 seconds she finally acknoledged my presence with a nod.
"「元気?」How are you?" I asked.
There was no response. She just inhaled on her cigarette like there was no tomorrow.
Mrs Fuji walked over and said hello... also no response.
It got a really awkward.... I thought I would just go back to some simple "filler questions."
”東京人ですか? [You're from Tokyo?] I asked.
No response for about another 5 seconds.
She took a few more puffs before finally replying.
"京都「Kyoto]" she replied.
Oh jesus... this is getting painful. But I started this conversation ... I guess I need to find a way to end it gracefully.
"本当ですか? 京都は綺麗な所です![Really, Kyoto is beautiful!]” ”実は少し前にここで他の関西人を会いました。山本さんと彼の奥さん知っていますか。前回喋れた時、彼達は大阪に行くと言いました。 [Actually a while back I met some other people from Kansai here. Do you know Yamamoto-san and his wife? I think the last time we talked he said they was going to Osaka.]”
The lady suddenly glared at me. Oh JESUS CHRIST!!!!! NO NO NO NO!!!
"びっくりで。。。--あたし--が山本さんの奥さんだ!!! [That is surprising. Since I'M YAMAMOTO'S WIFE!!!]" she shouted back at me.
Jesus Christ John...
"大阪にいるですか? [so he's in Osaka now?]" she shouted back at me.
Everyone is looking at us now, and there was complete silence ...
HOLY SH*T.... I thought to myself.
Mrs. Fuji grabbed my hand and we started to walk away.... while walking away, she read my mind....
"そろそろだね!ちなみに、今日は良い天気じゃありませんか? [Bye we need to go! By the way nice weather today isn't it???]”